
Vatt ehf. dótturfélag Suzuki bíla hf. er umhugað um friðhelgi einkalífs og kappkostar að vernda upplýsingar
þínar hvort heldur sem um er að ræða almennar upplýsingar eða persónuupplýsingar. Hér fyrir neðan er


Vatt ehf. er umhugað um friðhelgi einkalífs og kappkostar að vernda persónuupplýsingar þínar. Í þessari
persónuverndaryfirlýsingu kemur fram hvernig við umgöngumst þær persónuupplýsingar sem við geymum um
þig og hvaða réttindi þú átt varðandi upplýsingarnar.


Vatt ehf., kt. 570500-2280, Skeifunni 17, 108 Reykjavík er ábyrgðaraðili fyrir þeirri vinnslu persónuupplýsinga
sem fram fer í tengslum við þjónustu og vörur Vatt ehf.

Hvaða upplýsingum söfnum við?

Persónuupplýsingar eru hvers kyns upplýsingar um einstakling sem gera mögulegt að persónugreina hann,
beint eða óbeint. Við söfnum einkum eftirfarandi persónuupplýsingum um þig:
• Tengiliðaupplýsingar, s.s. nafn, kennitölu, heimilisfang, tölvupóstfang og símanúmer.
• Greiðsluupplýsingar, t.d. greiðslukortanúmer og upplýsingar um greiðslur.
• Tæknileg gögn, t.d. IP-tölur og önnur gögn tengd notkun þinni á vefsíðu okkar.
• ANNAÐ, t.d. gögn samfélagsmiðla.

Hvernig söfnum við upplýsingum

Tengiliðaupplýsingum söfnum við frá þér í gegnum síma, eftir heimsókn þína í bílasal okkar, verkstæði,
varahlutaverslun, af sýningu af vefsvæði, í gegnum tölvupóst eða með öðrum hætti þar sem þú hefur m.a.
veitt sjálfviljugur þessar upplýsingar. Jafnframt höldum við utan um greiðsluupplýsingar og útgefna reikninga
sem eru nauðsynlegar vegna samningssambands okkar og til að uppfylla skilyrði skatta- og bókhaldslaga.
Við notkun þína á vefsvæði okkar söfnum við vissum upplýsingum með notkun vafrakaka (e. cookies). og með
sambærilegri tækni. Sjá vefkökustefnu félagsins hér.

Tilgangur vinnslu okkar á persónuupplýsingum

Við vinnum eingöngu persónuupplýsingar þínar að því marki sem lög heimila. Helstu tilvik eru eftirfarandi:
• Til að svara fyrirspurnum þínum og/eða bregðast við óskum þínum, t.d. til að senda þér fréttabréf eða
tilkynningu um viðburð.
• Til að efna samning okkar við þig um veitingu ákveðinnar þjónustu eða vöru,
• Til að gæta lögmætra hagsmuna Vatt ehf.
• Til að gera þér kleift að deila efni á samfélagsmiðlum af vefsvæði okkar, til að afgreiða verðlaun, styrki eða
framlög eftir því sem við á og/eða til að gera þér kleift að taka þátt í leikjum, keppnum, kynningarherferðum,
könnunum eða öðrum kynningum á okkar vegum. Í einhverjum tilvikum kunna að vera viðbótarupplýsingar
sem þú þarft að kynna þér sérstaklega og hvetjum við þig til að gera það.

Notkun persónuupplýsinga í markaðstengdum tilgangi

Að því gefnu að þú veitir okkur samþykki þitt getum við notað persónuupplýsingar þínar til að kynna fyrir þér
vörur og þjónustur frá okkur, eignartengdum félögum eða samstarfsaðilum. Við gætum einnig sent þér annað
markaðstengt efni sem við teljum að þú gætir haft áhuga á.
Þessi samskipti gætu átt sér stað í gegnum tölvupóst, síma, bréfleiðis eða með SMS. Þú getur alltaf
afturkallað samþykki þitt hvenær sem þér hentar til að koma í veg fyrir að við sendum þér efni í
markaðstengdum tilgangi í framtíðinni. Í slíkri beiðni þarf að koma skýrt fram að þú viljir ekki fá sent frá okkur
efni, framvegis. Vatt ehf. geymir og varðveitir beiðnir þar að lútandi.

Miðlun til þriðju aðila

Í því skyni að uppfylla þann tilgang sem lýst er hér að ofan kann að vera nauðsynlegt að miðla persónugreinanlegum upplýsingum um þig til þriðju aðila. Slíkir aðilar geta verið ábyrgðaraðilar eða vinnsluaðilar eftir atvikum. Helstu dæmi um slíka aðila eru eftirfarandi: Þjónustuaðilar okkar, t.d. hýsingaraðilar UT-búnaðar og fjarskiptafyrirtæki; Ráðgjafar okkar, t.d. lögmenn, endurskoðendur og vátryggjendur; Innheimtufyrirtæki. Með samþykki þínu getum við notað auglýsingafyrirtæki sem telst til þriðja aðila til að setja inn auglýsingar á vefsvæðið okkar. Við miðlum gögnum einungis að því marki sem nauðsynlegt er og heimilum þriðju aðilum ekki önnur not þeirra.

Öryggi persónuupplýsinga

Vatt ehf. viðhefur viðeigandi öryggisráðstafanir í því skyni að hindra að persónuupplýsingar þínar glatist,
breytist, verði birtar eða aðgangur veittur að þeim í leyfisleysi. Aðgangur að upplýsingunum er auk þess
takmarkaður við þá aðila sem nauðsyn ber til og sem eru bundnir trúnaðarskuldbindingu. Ef upp kemur
öryggisbrestur sem hefur áhrif á persónuupplýsingar munum við tilkynna slíkt til Persónuverndar og eftir
atvikum til þín eftir því sem lög mæla fyrir um. Teljir þú að samskipti þín við okkur séu ekki örugg, biðjum við þig um að láta okkur umsvifalaust vita um
vandamálið með því að senda póst á netfangið:

Hve lengi eru persónuupplýsingar geymdar?

Persónuupplýsingar geymum við aðeins svo lengi sem nauðsyn ber til í þeim tilgangi sem þeirra var aflað.
Geymslutími slíkra persónuupplýsinga fer eftir eðli upplýsinganna og þeim lagareglum sem gilda um
viðkomandi vinnslu persónuupplýsinga, t.d. skatta- eða bókhaldslöggjafar. Í einstaka tilvikum kann einnig að
vera nauðsynlegt að geyma gögn vegna lögmætra hagsmuna Vatt.ehf, t.d. vegna deilumála.

Réttur þinn

Í vissum tilvikum átt þú réttindi samkvæmt persónuverndarlöggjöf í tengslum við vinnslu okkar á
persónuupplýsingum. Ef þú vilt neyta þessara réttinda biðjum við þig að hafa samband við okkur og við
munum leitast við að svara beiðni þinni eins fljótt og auðið er (í flestum tilvikum innan eins mánaðar frá
móttöku) nema um sé að ræða margar eða umfangsmiklar beiðnir. Við kunnum að óska eftir
viðbótarupplýsingum frá þér í tengslum við beiðni þína, t.d. vegna auðkenningar.
Vatt ehf. tekur almennt ekki gjald fyrir afhendingu gagna eða afgreiðslu annarra beiðna. Við áskiljum okkur þó
rétt á að innheimta gjald eða synja um afhendingu þegar um er að ræða beiðnir sem eru bersýnilega
tilhæfulausar, óhóflegar eða margendurteknar.

Réttur til aðgangs: Þú átt rétt á að óska eftir aðgangi að persónuupplýsingum um þig og að fá afhent afrit
upplýsinganna. Með þeim hætti getur þú fullvissað þig um að upplýsingarnar séu réttar og að vinnsla okkar á
þeim sé í samræmi við lög. 

Réttur til að flytja eigin gögn: Í vissum tilvikum kannt þú að eiga rétt á að fá
afhentar persónuupplýsingar um þig, sem þú hefur látið okkur í té, á algengu, tölvulesanlegu sniði. Þú átt líka
rétt á að senda þessar upplýsingar til annars ábyrgðaraðila.

Réttur til leiðréttingar: Ef einhverjar upplýsingar um þig eru rangar eða ónákvæmar átt þú almennt rétt á að
láta okkur leiðrétta þær. 

Réttur til eyðingar: Í vissum tilvikum getur þú átt rétt á að við eyðum
persónuupplýsingum sem við geymum um þig. Þetta á einkum við í þeim tilvikum þar sem upplýsingarnar eru
ekki lengur nauðsynlegar, ef þú hefur andmælt vinnslu upplýsinganna (sbr. hér að neðan), ef vinnslan reynist
ólögmæt, eða ef vinnslan byggði á samþykki sem þú hefur síðar afturkallað. Vatt ehf. áskilur sér þó rétt til að
meta í hvert eitt sinn hvort skylt sé að eyða gögnum. 

Réttur til að andmæla vinnslu: Ef vinnsla okkar byggir á
lögmætum hagsmunum Vatt ehf. eða annarra, og þú telur að vegna aðstæðna þinna brjóti vinnslan gegn
grundvallarréttindum þínum, getur þú andmælt vinnslunni. Ef þú andmælir, hættum við vinnslunni nema við
getum bent á ríkari lögmæta hagsmuni af að halda henni áfram. 

Réttur til takmörkunar á vinnslu: Í eftirtöldum tilvikum átt þú rétt á að við stöðvum vinnslu persónuupplýsinga:
• ef þú vefengir að persónuupplýsingarnar séu réttar (þangað til við getum staðfest að þær séu réttar),
• vinnslan er ólögmæt, en þú vilt ekki að persónuupplýsingunum sé eytt,
• við þurfum ekki lengur á persónuupplýsingunum að halda fyrir vinnsluna en þú þarfnast þeirra til þess að
stofna, hafa uppi eða verja réttarkröfur,
• þú hefur andmælt vinnslunni, sbr. að ofan. Í því tilviki stöðvum við vinnslu meðan við höfum ekki bent á ríkari
lögmæta hagsmuni okkar af að halda henni áfram.

Réttur til að afturkalla samþykki: Í þeim tilvikum þar sem við byggjum vinnslu á samþykki þínu er þér ávallt
heimilt að afturkalla slíkt samþykki. Afturköllun þýðir þó ekki að vinnsla sem fór fram áður en samþykki var
afturkallað sé ólögmæt.



Vatt ehf. safnar upplýsingum um mætingu þátttakenda á auglýsta viðburði ásamt því að safna upplýsingum
um notkun á vörum og þjónustu okkar. Þetta er gert til að skilja betur hvaða þættir þjónustunnar nýtast
viðskiptavinum best og til að mæla viðbrögð þeirra við nýjum vörum og þjónustum eða breytingum á
núverandi vörum eða þjónustu.


Ef þú hefur spurningar, athugasemdir, eða kvartanir fram að færa varðandi
þessa persónuverndaryfirlýsingu eða meðferð Vatt ehf. á persónuupplýsingum getur þú haft samband við
okkur á netfangið
Ef þú telur þig ekki hafa fengið úrlausn þinna mála er þér ávallt heimilt að beina kvörtun til Persónuverndar


Persónuverndaryfirlýsing þessi var samþykkt þann [x.y.2019].
Persónuverndarstefna okkar er í stöðugri skoðun og því kann þessari persónuverndaryfirlýsingu að verða
breytt. Við munum birta allar slíkar breytingar vefsíðu okkar
Með sama hætti er okkur mikilvægt að upplýsingar um þig séu ávallt sem réttastar. Því biðjum við þig
góðfúslega að láta okkur vita ef tengiliðaupplýsingar þínar (t.d. símanúmer þitt eða netfang) eða aðrar
upplýsingar breytast


Vatt ehf. sem til einföldunar verður hér eftir talað um sem „Vatt“ eða „við“.
Stefna okkar um notkun á vefkökum felur í sér skilgreiningu á því hvað vefkökur eru og hvernig þær eru
notaðar á vefsvæðum okkar. Við hvetjum þig til að kynna þér vefkökustefnuna til að skilja betur og átta þig á í
hvaða tilgangi við notum þær, hvaða upplýsingum er safnað, hvaða gerðir af vefkökum við notum og hvernig
upplýsingarnar eru nýttar. Einnig felur stefnan í sér upplýsingar um rétt þinn í tengslum við notkun á
vefkökum. Við áskiljum okkur rétt til að breyta stefnunni um vefkökur hvenær sem er með því að gera nýja
stefnu aðgengilega á vefsvæði okkar.

Hvað eru vefkökur?

Vefkökur eru litlar textaskrár sem vefsvæði senda í tölvuna þína eða snjalltæki þegar þú heimsækir vefsvæði
Með notkun á vefkökum getum við þekkt og vitað hvaða tæki þú notar þegar þú heimsækir vefsvæði okkar.
Vefkökur geta geymt upplýsingar eins og texta, númer, dagsetningar og fleira.
Vefkökur okkar geyma ekki persónugreinanleg gögn né deilum við upplýsingum sem við söfnum með þriðju
Notendur vefsvæðanna hafa alltaf möguleika á að loka fyrir notkun á vefkökum eða að veita leyfi í hvert skipti
sem vefsvæði okkar er notað. Slíkar stillingar gætu haft áhrif á virkni vefsvæðisins og þannig takmarkað
notkun þess að hluta eða öllu leiti.

Hvernig notum við vefkökur?

Almennt eru vefkökur notaðar til að vefsvæðið virki eða þau starfi betur og sé skilvirkari. Með því að nota
vefkökur er okkur kleift að gera alla notkun þína á vefsvæðinu þægilegri og betri. Við notum eingöngu
vefkökur sem við teljum gagnlegar og nauðsynlegar.
Á vefsvæðum okkar notum við vefkökur til að fylgjast með hvernig þau virka og munum kjörstillingar þínar s.s.
tölvuna þína eða búnað.

Yfirlit yfir vefkökur okkar

Tæknilegar vefkökur:

Vefkökur þessar eru nauðsynlegar vegna reksturs á vefsvæðum svo þau og eiginleikar þess virki. Tæknilegar
vefkökur eru settar sjálfkrafa inn á tölvuna þína þegar þú ferð inn á vefsvæðið, nema þú hafir valið að vafrinn
þinn hafni vefkökum. Með skiptingu á milli http og https tryggja þessar kökur m.a. öryggi notenda. Þær vista einnig ákvörðun
notenda um notkun á kökum á vefsvæði okkar.

Frammistöðu vefkökur:

Þessar vefkökur eru ekki nauðsynlegar við notkun vefsvæða okkar en þær gegna mikilvægu hlutverki fyrir
notkun og virkni þeirra. Með þeim getum við safnað upplýsingum um frammistöðu vefsvæða og auðveldar
okkur þannig að aðlaga það að þörfum notenda, s.s. með því að senda þér sértæk tilboð.
Hvaða vefkökur notum við frá þriðja aðila? Við notum vefkökur sem tilheyra þriðja aðila á vefsvæðum okkar, s.s.frá Google, Facebook, Instagram og
Youtube. Þessir aðilar geta komið fyrir vefkökum í vöfrum notenda og með þeim hætti nálgast upplýsingar um
aðgengi og notkun á vefsvæðunum. Slíkar þjónustur eru einkum notaðar til að afla upplýsinga um notkun á
vefsvæðunum svo betur sé hægt að aðlaga þau að þörfum notenda. Nánari upplýsingar um hvernig þriðju
aðilarnir nota vefkökur má nálgast á vefsíðum þeirra.

Vatt ehf. notar Google Analytics til vefmælinga. Við hverja komu inn á vefinn eru nokkur atriði skráð, svo sem
tími og dagsetning, leitarorð, frá hvaða vef er komið og gerð vafra og stýrikerfis. Þessar upplýsingar má nota
við endurbætur á vefnum og þróun hans, t.d. um það efni sem notendur sækjast mest eftir og fleira. Engum
frekari upplýsingum er safnað um hverja komu og ekki er gerð tilraun til að tengja slíkar upplýsingar við aðrar
persónugreinanlegar upplýsingar.

Þinn réttur

Þegar þú kemur í fyrsta skipti inn á vefsvæði okkar ert þú spurð(ur) hvort þú samþykkir notkun á vefkökum.
Þú getur hvenær sem er lokað fyrir vefkökur með því að hreinsa þær út eða eyða þeim úr vafranum þínum.
Þú getur líka breytt stillingum fyrir vefkökur í vafranum þannig að hann taki ekki á móti þeim.
Nánari upplýsingar um vefkökur. ( linkur á þær )
Hafa samband

Ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar um notkun okkar á vefkökum þá vinsamlegast sendu okkur póst á
personuvernd@vatt.istölvupóst á
Reykjavík, 10. október 2020


A) How we use information obtained on our Website
B) Cookies Policy
C) Special Policy: How we use information about our Customers in European region
D) Special Policy: How we use information about our Business Partners in European region
E) Who we share your personal information with
F) Transferring Your Personal Information Internationally
G) How Long Do We Retain Your Information
H) Your Rights
I) Updates to Our Privacy Policies
J) Contact Us


This Website Privacy and Cookies Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) describes how Vatt ehf. (“Vatt
ehf”, “we”, “our” or “us”) use the information or data we collect about you (your “personal information”)
when you visit our websites, social network services or applications we operate (together, our “Sites”) or
when you contact us using the details available on it.
Our Sites may enable you to visit other websites, social network services or applications which are owned
and operated by affiliates or partner companies to SMC, including our distributors. Those other websites,
etc. will have their own privacy policies, and you should review those privacy policies when you visit
websites, etc. operated by other companies, as those affiliates or partner companies will use your
personal information as described in those policies.
In addition to this Policy, some products and services which are offered by Vatt ehf. have their own privacy
policies which describe in more detail how your personal information is used in a particular context.
1. What personal information will we use and for how long?
Personal Information We Use
When you use our Sites, we may request that you input certain information, for example when you fill in
forms. The personal information requested will depend on the precise form, but will commonly include your
name, postal address, telephone number and email address, among other information. In some
circumstances, for example if you enter a promotion or competition, it may be necessary for you to provide
some of this personal information in order for us to fulfil our obligations to you under the Terms and
Conditions of the particular service.
We may collect personal information from sources other than directly from you. In particular we collect
personal information from social media sites, for example if you post comments on our pages, ‘like’ any of
our content or otherwise interact with us via social media (including by sending messages to us).
We also collect personal data automatically through the use of cookies and similar technologies. You can
find out more by reading the section entitled ‘Cookies and Similar Technologies’ below.
We use the personal information we collect from our Sites to:

address your requests, for example to enter you into any promotions we run, or to respond to
any queries you may have, or to deliver news about our activities by way of e-mail or any other
form of message. To the extent required by applicable law, we will only send marketing
material about our activities with your consent, which you can withdraw at any time by
contacting us using the details below or by using the ‘unsubscribe’ function in an email;
comply with our legal and regulatory responsibilities, to respond to legal process or requests
for information issued by government authorities or other third parties, to prevent and detect
crime and fraud, or protect your, our or others’ rights; and
operate our Sites and to understand how our Sites are used so that we can improve it.
We use your personal information for these purposes in some cases to meet our contractual obligations to
you or other legal obligations. If the purposes set out above are not strictly required for compliance with a
legal or contractual obligation, we process it to meet our legitimate business interests in managing our
business properly and effectively and in keeping our records accurate and up to date. We take steps,
including by securing your personal data, to ensure that we do not use your personal data for purposes
which are incompatible with those set out above, and will notify you about any material changes to these
You can object to our uses of personal information on the basis of our legitimate business interests at any

time by contacting us using the details set out here.
Our Sites use cookies and other similar device identifying technologies, such as clear gifs, pixels or device
fingerprinting (together, we call these technologies “Cookies”).
What are Cookies?
A cookie is simply a piece of text, which can be placed on the browser of your personal computer or
mobile device and subsequently read as you visit a website. Other Cookies may place a small amount of
data on your browser, or may extract information about your device (such as your IP address) so that if
you visit the site again using the same device we can identify you. A Cookie may be a ‘session’ Cookie,
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and then disappears when you close your browser, or it may be a ‘persistent’ Cookie, a cookie that
remains on your browser over a period of time. Information from a Cookie may be collected and used in
aggregate form.
Some Cookies are served directly by SMC, and others are served by third parties, such as by advertising
and data analytics providers.
What Cookies do we use?
We use the following types of Cookies on our Sites:
Type of Cookie What these Cookies do

Essential for the
use of the site

Necessary for us to configure parts of our Sites without making
wholesale changes and disruption to our Sites.
Should this kind of Cookies be deleted, our Online Services will not be
able to provide the full functionality.


We use analytics Cookies to collect information on how our Sites are
used and to report on our Sites’ usage statistics.
The settings of this type of Cookies can be changed here.


We work with third party advertising networks that collect information
using Cookies to help make the advertising you see on our Sites and
elsewhere on the internet more relevant to you, and to measure the
effectiveness of the advertising on the Sites. We do not decide which
Cookies are set or how your data is used by these third parties and
therefore you should refer to their privacy policy for further information
about which Cookies are set and their privacy and information usage
The settings of this type of Cookies can be changed here.

Social Media

Our Sites use plugins to allow you to connect to social networking sites
including Facebook and YouTube. These connections are activated
when you click on the logos of these services on our Sites.
When you access our Sites with these plugins, they are provided
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This Customer Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) describes how Vatt ehf. (“Vatt” “we” or “us”) collects and
processes personal information about individuals located in the European Union or any other countries or
regions where regulation by the European Union with regard to personal data protection applies, including,
but not limited to, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how we use and protect this
information, and your rights in relation to this information (“you”, to the extent you are located in such
This Policy applies to all personal information we collect or process about you when you purchase, lease
or rent one of our vehicles, or otherwise become a customer of Vatt ehf, one of our affiliated companies (a
list of which is available here) or one of our dealers. Personal information is information which relates to
you, and which, alone or in combination with other information, could reasonably allow you to be identified.
1. Personal information we use
We will collect personal information from you directly (e.g. when you purchase a vehicle, request a test
drive) and also from other sources described in section 1.2 below.
We may be required by law to collect certain personal information about you, or as a consequence of any
contractual relationship we have with you, for example if you purchase a vehicle from us or one of our
dealers, it will be necessary to collect information about your driving licence and information which allows
us to take payment. Failure to provide this information may prevent or delay the fulfilment of these
obligations. We will inform you at the time your information is collected whether certain data is compulsory
and of the consequences of the failure to provide such data.
1.1 Information we collect directly from you
The categories of information that we collect directly from you are:

(a)Personal details (e.g. name, sex, age, date of birth, nationality, address, family structure,

education/degree, profession, the amount of salary, bonus and other remuneration);
(b)Contact details (e.g. phone number, email address, postal address or mobile number);
(c)Vehicle information (e.g. information about any vehicle you own, including a vehicle
identification number, registration number, model, age, mileage) In certain cases, when you
take your vehicle to be serviced or repaired we will directly collect diagnostic information and
operation/environment data about your vehicle, and keep a record of the work carried out and
parts supplied. You can find out more information about the personal information collected and
when your vehicle is serviced or repaired here;
(d)Your marketing and contact preferences (e.g. what sorts of products you are interested in
and whether you want to receive marketing from us);
(e)Information we collect automatically from you, including data collected using cookies and
other similar device identifying technologies (‘Cookies and Tracking Technologies’). Further
information about our use of Cookies and Tracking Technologies is available in our Website
Privacy and Cookies Policy; and
(f)Location information from your vehicle;
(g)Model name, grade, product identification number (e.g. Vehicle Identification Number) and
photograph or video of our product(s) you purchase and/or use; and
(h)Product(s) you purchase from third parties.

1.2 Information we collect from other sources:
We collect information about you from our dealers and distributors, and other third parties such as market
research companies.
The categories of information that we collect about you from these other sources are:
(a)Personal details (e.g. name, sex, age, date of birth, address, family structure,
education/degree, profession, the amount of salary, bonus and other remuneration)
(b)Contact details (e.g. phone number, email address, postal address or mobile number)
(c)Vehicle information (e.g. information about any vehicle you own, including a vehicle
identification number, registration number, model, age, mileage). In particular, when you take
your vehicle to be serviced or repaired we will collect diagnostic information and
operation/environment data about your vehicle, and keep a record of the work carried out and
parts supplied. You can find out more information about the personal information collected and
when your vehicle is serviced or repaired here;
(d)Your marketing and contact preferences (e.g. what sorts of products you are interested in
and whether you want to receive marketing from us);
(e)Model name, grade, product identification number (e.g. Vehicle Identification Number) and
photograph or vide of our product(s) you purchase and/or use; and
(f)Product(s) you purchase from third parties
1.3 Other information we use about you
We may also generate other information about you in the course of our relationship with you. We combine
and analyse the personal information we collect from you to generate new information about you as a
result of that analysis, which takes place on an automated basis. For more information on our automated
decisions, please see the section entitled ‘Automated decision about you‘ below.
1.4 Special categories of personal data
Some of the information we use is sensitive information. In particular, we receive reports about accidents
involving our vehicles which may include details of injuries suffered and whether a hospital visit was
required. We obtain these reports from our distributors, and use this information with your explicit consent

and, in certain circumstances, where necessary to comply with legal obligations under social protection
laws (in the event we are required by law to collect such information), in order to make or defend legal
claims or to meet a substantial public interest (e.g. in the event of a product recall). If you give your
consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time by contacting us using the details below.
We use your personal information to:

(a)meet our contractual obligations to you under any agreement we have with you or to take
any necessary steps before entering into such agreement;
(b)fulfil your requests (for example, to enable you to book test drives or request vehicle
(c)help understand, develop and improve our products, processes, services and marketing
strategies, including carrying out defect and fault analyses on parts;
(d)contact you with marketing and offers relating to products and services offered by us and/or
other members of our group companies (unless you have opted out of marketing, or we are
otherwise prevented by law from doing so);
(e)personalise our communications, products and services to you;
(f)keep your personal information up to date;
(g)conduct research into new products and services;
(h)comply with the legal obligations to which we are subject and cooperate with regulators and
law enforcement bodies;
(i)understand our customers better;
(j)manage and improve our relationship with you;
(k)protect the vital interests of you or of another person; and
(l)exercise our legal rights where it is necessary to do so, for example to detect, prevent and
respond to fraud claims, intellectual property infringement claims or violations of law.
We must have a legal basis to process your personal information. In most cases the legal basis will be one
of the following:

(a)to fulfil our contractual obligations to you, for example to provide the services you request,
to fulfil our contract with you, to ensure payments to us can be made, and to exercise our legal
(b)to comply with our legal obligations, for example to cooperate with regulators and law
enforcement bodies; or
(c)to meet our legitimate interests, for example communicate with you, to develop, understand
and improve our products and services, and to conduct research. When we process personal
information to meet our legitimate interests, we put in place robust safeguards to ensure that
your privacy is protected and to ensure that our legitimate interests are not overridden by your
interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. For more information about the balancing test
that we carry out to process your personal information to meet our legitimate interests, please
contact us at the details here.Where we rely on our legitimate interests in processing personal
data, you can object to that processing at any time using the contact details set out here.
We may obtain your consent to collect and use certain types of personal information when we are required
to do so by law (for example, in relation to our direct marketing activities or cookies). If we ask for your
consent to process your personal information, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting
us using the details here.

The way we analyse personal information for the purposes of ensuring we are able to make appropriate
decisions about whether to offer credit takes place on an automated basis.
We make such automated decisions about you as they are necessary for us to enter into a contract with
you. We may decide not to offer particular financing products to you based on your credit history and other
financial information we have collected about you.
Subject to local legal requirements and limitations, you can contact us to request further information about
automated decision-making, object to our use of automated decision-making, or request an automated
decision to be reviewed by a human being, using the contact details here.
When the vehicle you drive was manufactured it was assigned a unique number (the Vehicle Identification
Number, or “VIN”). From the VIN we can tell certain information about your vehicle, including its model,
age, and technical specifications such as the software it runs on.
When you bring your vehicle in for a service with one of our dealers or repairers, their engineers working
on it will need to collect the VIN together with the diagnostic information and operation/environment data
about the current state of your vehicle and when the malfunction took place.
This information will be transferred to SMC’s systems, operated by SMC or its service providers and
located in Japan or elsewhere, so that SMC can provide the engineers that are servicing your vehicle
vehicle-specific repair, maintenance and diagnostic information (including diagrams to help them fix
problems, and software updates which may be required for your vehicle’s on-board system). SMC will also
provide them information about any past work carried out on your vehicle to assist them to diagnose,
repair and/or service it and to enable them to maintain their records.
The information about the work done to your vehicle when it is serviced or repaired is always linked to the
VIN of your vehicle, to make sure that every time you bring the vehicle in for a service, engineers of our
dealers and repairers can provide you the best service possible. After the services are complete, this
information will be transferred to the SMC’s systems, so that SMC (or any third parties it authorises to use
the system in this way) can access information about past services and other maintenance work available
to any dealer, repairer or their engineer anywhere in the world when they service your vehicle. SMC takes
steps to ensure that only those dealers, repairers and engineers that are servicing your vehicle have
access to that information, to protect your privacy.
SMC also uses the information held on the system to help diagnose common problems with SMC vehicles,
to assist with repairs, to manage and administer warranties, similar products and services. It is also used
for product safety purposes including, but not limited to, decision and implementation for field actions such
as recall whether mandatory or not, and research and development purposes. If required, SMC will use
that information to comply with its legal obligations.
SMC may also pass this information to members of its group companies/partner companies and service
providers as described below for the purposes set out above.
This Business Partner Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) describes how Vatt ehf. (“Vatt” “we” or “us”) collects
and processes personal information about individuals located in the European Union or any other any
other countries or regions where regulation by the European Union with regard to personal data protection
applies, including, but not limited to, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how we use and
protect this information, and your rights in relation to this information (“you”, to the extent you are located
in such area).
This Policy applies to all personal information we collect or process about you in the context of your or

your entities’ business relationship with SMC or one of our affiliated companies (a list of which is
available here); such entities include, but not limited to, distributors, dealers, suppliers, service providers,
governmental authorities, international organizations, press, and non-profit organizations. Personal
information is information which relates to you, and which, alone or in combination with other information,
could reasonably allow you to be identified.
We will collect personal information from you directly and also from other sources.
We may be required by law to collect certain personal information about you, or as a consequence of any
contractual relationship we have with you. Failure to provide this information may prevent or delay the
fulfilment of these obligations. We will inform you at the time your information is collected whether certain
data is compulsory and of the consequences of the failure to provide such data.
1.1 Information we collect about you
The categories of information that we collect about you are set out below. We collect these either directly
from you, or from our dealers and distributors, and other third parties:

(a)Contact details (e.g. name, company name, division/department/section/group,
rank/position/designation/title, phone number, email address, postal address or mobile
(b)Information necessary for preparation and arrangement for any event, conference or
meeting hosted by us or any third parties in which you participate (for example, business
meeting) (e.g. contact details, passport information or preference for meal).
(c)Information related to system account made available by SMC or our affiliated companies to
their business partners.

1.2 Special categories of personal data
Some of the categories of information that we collect are special categories of personal data, such as
information about your health, including food allergies (also known as sensitive personal information). We
only use this personal information with your explicit consent.
We use your personal information to:

(a)meet our contractual obligations to you or your entities under any agreement we have with
you or your entities or to take any necessary steps before entering into such agreement;
(b)communicating with you or your entities (for example, project management) and managing
your or your entities’ contact information by physical, digital or any other manner (for example,
making a digital list of contact information);
(c)make preparation and arrangement for any event, conference or meeting hosted by us or
any third parties in which you participate (for example, business meeting);
(d)set up, grant access to, administer, and provide the services related to, systems, servers,
networks, applications and on-line services made available by SMC to its business partners;
(e)comply with the legal obligations to which we are subject and cooperate with regulators and
law enforcement bodies; and
(f)protect the vital interests of you or of another person; and
(g)exercise our legal rights where it is necessary to do so, for example to detect, prevent and

respond to fraud claims, intellectual property infringement claims or violations of law.
We must have a legal basis to process your personal information. In most cases the legal basis will be one
of the following:

(a)to fulfil our contractual obligations to you or to take any necessary steps before entering into
agreement, for example to benefit from the services provided by you, to fulfil our contract with
you, to ensure payments to us can be made, and to exercise our legal rights.
(b)to comply with our legal obligations, for example to cooperate with regulators and law
enforcement bodies; or
(c)to meet our legitimate interests, for example communicate with or facilitate communication
with you or your entities, and to conduct any project with you or your entities. When we
process personal information to meet our legitimate interests, we put in place robust
safeguards to ensure that your privacy is protected and to ensure that our legitimate interests
are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. For more information
about the balancing test that we carry out to process your personal information to meet our
legitimate interests, please contact us at the details here.
Where we rely on our legitimate interests in processing personal data, you can object to that
processing at any time using the contact details set out here.

We may obtain your consent to collect and use certain types of personal information when we are required
to do so by law. If we ask for your consent to process your personal information, you may withdraw your
consent at any time by contacting us using the details here.
Your personal information may be disclosed to:

Service providers. We engage companies to provide services on our behalf and which process
personal data, which may include companies managing particular promotions available
through our Sites, data hosting companies, vendors that send emails on our behalf, analytics
providers, and information technology providers;
Members of our group companies and partner companies. Some members of our group
companies and partner companies provide services on our behalf, or may be involved in
processing personal data for the purpose set out above. A list of these companies is
available here;
With your consent. We may share information with companies or other organisations where
you have asked us to or agreed that we may share your personal information with them;
Maxus dealers, distributors and other partners. We share information with these third parties
where necessary to provide you with a product or service;
Professional advisors. This includes lawyers and auditors who assist us in running our
business and defending or bringing any legal claims;
Law enforcement agencies, courts, regulators, or government authorities. We may share your
personal information with these parties where we believe this is necessary to comply with a
legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights or the rights of any third party;
Asset purchasers. We may share your personal information with any third party that
purchases, or to which we transfer, all or substantially all of our assets and business. Should
such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to try to ensure that the entity to
which we transfer your personal information uses it in a manner that is consistent with Our
Privacy Policies.


SMC is located in Japan, so your personal information will be transferred to Japan, as well as to other
countries outside your country of residence. These countries may not be regarded by the European
Commission as ensuring an adequate level of protection for personal information. To ensure your personal
data is properly protected, we put in place appropriate safeguards (including contractual commitments) to
ensure that your personal information is adequately protected. If you would like to know more about how
SMC protects your personal information when it is transferred outside the EEA, or to obtain a copy of the
safeguards we put in place to protect your personal information when it is transferred, please contact us
using the contact details set out here.
We keep your personal information for as long as we need it to fulfil the purposes for which we collected it
(described in more detail above in relation to each category of individual about which we collect personal
information) and to comply with applicable legal and regulatory obligations. In particular, when determining
how long we retain personal data, we take into account how long we need it to:
Maintain business records for analysis and/or audit purposes;
Comply with record retention requirements under the law;
Defend or bring any existing or potential legal claims; and
Deal with any complaints regarding our Sites/any services provided in our Sites.

You have certain rights regarding your personal information, subject to local law. These include the
following rights to:

access your personal information
rectify the information we hold about you
erase your personal information
restrict our use of your personal information
object to our use of your personal information
receive your personal information in a usable electronic format and transmit it to a third party
(right to data portability)

Furthermore, where you have provided your consent to any use of personal information, you can withdraw
that consent at any time.
If you would like to discuss or exercise such rights, please contact us at the details below.
We encourage you to contact us to update or correct your information if it changes or if the personal
information we hold about you is inaccurate.
We will contact you if we need additional information from you in order to honour your requests.
We may modify or update our Privacy Policies from time to time. If we change our Privacy Policies, we will
notify you of the changes at the top of this page. Where changes will have a fundamental impact on the
nature of the processing or otherwise have a substantial impact on you, we will give you sufficient advance
notice so that you have the opportunity to exercise your rights in relation to your personal information (for
example, to object to the processing).


We are Suzuki Motor Corporation, with registered address at 300 Takatsuka-cho, Minami-ku, Hamamatsu-
shi, Shizuoka-ken, Japan. You can also contact us at:

This e-mail address is only used for receiving messages from you regarding personal information. For
other inquiries and requests, please kindly contact our distributors in the country in which you are
located, using their contact details which are available here.
We are committed to working with you to obtain a fair resolution of any complaint or concern about
privacy. If, however, you believe that we have not been able to assist with your complaint or concern,
you have the right to make a complaint to the data protection authority in the country in which you live
via their website.
Top Message
Corporate Philosophy
CSR Policy
CSR Initiatives
With Our Customers
With Our Business Partner
With Our Employees
Our Shareholders and Investors
With Local Communities
Efforts by Domestic Plants and Technical Centers
Efforts by Domestic Sales Distributors
Efforts by Overseas Group Companies
Suzuki Foundation Activities
Environmental Initiatives
Environmental Initiatives
Suzuki Environmental Plan 2020
Control of Global Warming
Promotion of Environmental Conservation etc.
Promoting the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle)
Reinforcement of Enviornmental Management

Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Compliance System and Risk Management System


Suzuki CSR & Environmental Report
Company Profile
Company Data
Products & Services
Greenhouse Effect Gas
Water Resources
Chemical Substances
Supply Chain Management
Management Sysytem

Product Safety & Quality
Customer Relations

Labor Rights & Surply Chain

Employee Relations
Safety & Health
Workforce Diversity
Education System
Supply Chain Labor Standards
Child Labor
Local Community
Local Communities
Efforts by Domestic Plants & R&D Center
Efforts by Domestic Sales Distributor

Efforts by Overseas Group Companies
Corporate Governance
Governance Structures
Anticompetitive Practices
Business Ethics & Fraud
Grievance Mechanisms
Protecting Personal Information